About Me

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I have been married to my wife and hero (Stage 4 Breast Cancer Survivor) Stacy for 23 years. We have raised three awesome son's. Together Stacy and I have learned that true love can ONLY be tested through time. True Love is tested through hardships, boredom, and pain. True love has to whether through life's busyness, while withstanding the pressures of Job, family, and home, middle and old age. You determine whether the LOVE you have is true over time. Respect each other,encourage each other, and serve each other minute by minute, hour by hour...As time alone will tell!

Monday, January 27, 2014


There are three things that will endure- faith, hope, and love- and the greatest of these is love. 1 Corinthians 13:13.... There have been times when I have felt that things were at their worst, and during those times I have been tempted to give up not only hope but question my very faith. I have wondered why God would allow us to suffer such awful circumstances, when I’ve done my best to obey Him. But the Word tells us that once we are in His hands, He will never let us go. Our faith maybe tested, but he won’t allow it to die. Maybe you’re in a season where you’re feeling the love between you has grown cold, and there seems to be nothing left between you. Be reminded like hope and faith, LOVE never completely dies. Trust God despite every reason to quit, He will prove Himself trustworthy. He will rekindle the embers in your hearts and fan the flames until they are burning steady and strong. For the rest of you...what will you do today preparation for the strength of your marriage during the worst of times?

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