About Me

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I have been married to my wife and hero (Stage 4 Breast Cancer Survivor) Stacy for 23 years. We have raised three awesome son's. Together Stacy and I have learned that true love can ONLY be tested through time. True Love is tested through hardships, boredom, and pain. True love has to whether through life's busyness, while withstanding the pressures of Job, family, and home, middle and old age. You determine whether the LOVE you have is true over time. Respect each other,encourage each other, and serve each other minute by minute, hour by hour...As time alone will tell!

Thursday, April 3, 2014


Blessed are the peace makers, for they will be called sons of God Matthew 5:9.... Instead of being “fasted gun in the west” with your anger, strive to be the first to work at resolution and reconciliation. Proverbs 15:18 says, “Those who are hot-tempered stir up strife, but those who are slow to anger calm contention. The title peacemaker is much nobler! Try to determine if the problem is the result of poor communication or a simple misunderstanding. Recently a mother got into a heated debate with her three-year-old daughter while discussing an upcoming road trip. The daughter seemed to be insisting that she did not want to be buckled into her car seat. “Stand!” she kept saying. The mother told her firmly, “You will have to sit!” The daughter responded in frustration, “Stand!” The argument escalated until the mother suddenly realized that the little girl was trying to say, “I don’t understand!” Sometimes we struggle to find the right words to express a deeply felt need or emotion. We may not even quite understand what we are feeling inside. It may be up to us to ask thoughtful, probing questions and then listen intently for the real message behind your spouse’s words. If you are quick to draw with your temper, you’ll miss this opportunity for constructive communication and deepening your love.

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